
AirLine Ticket


Fuel/Insurance surcharge(YQ/YQ/Q) 燃油附加費
TPE PVG TPE NT$672 ( round-trip ) PVG-SHANGHAI
TPE CTS NT$336 ( single-trip )

Tax 機場稅
TPE NT$300

Sophia's 330Planet 有關ZED 的blog

1. Travel benefits offered to Cx by Bx
Subload basis Zonal MEDIUM (ZM) Y class fare (YR2) applies to
*Employees, retirees, spouse and children under 24 years
*Common-law spouse of Employ/retiree registered, opposite sex
*Common-law spouse of Employ/retiree registered, same sex
*Parents of Employees and retirees.
(Note: ZED fares of firm basis is not included in this agreement.)
2. Travel benefits offered by Cx to Bx
Same as those in para. 1.
3. Additional information
3.1. BR flights excluded are all code share flights not operated by Bx and charter flights including those on routes between Taiwan and Mainland China.
3.2. Making a name-listing with Bx in RBD I is necessary.
3.3. Bx does not accept any coupon for a city pair other than that shown on the coupon.
3.4. Cx flights excluded from this new agreement are as follows.
3.4.1. All code share flights not operated by Cx
3.4.2. Cx charter flights including those between TW and Mainland China
3.4.3. TPE/KHH v.v. and ANC/NYC v.v.
3.3. Cx does not accept any coupon for a city pair other than that shown on the coupon.


Windows mount UNIX-Host-Disk

Microsoft Windows 設置使用 UNIX Host 磁碟

UNIX 網路磁磚分享服務為 NFS (Network File System) , UNIX Host 需安裝 NFS-Server 軟體才能提供 NFS 服務.

Microsoft 官方 NFS-client
Windows Services for UNIX Home

Panasonic TH-42PX80T 工程模式

TH-42PX70T / TH-42PX80T 工程模式


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Vol +/- 鍵來調整數值 Adjust