
uC BASIC-interpreter language

uC單板電腦開發一般都需用另一台電腦 Editing-compiling-download .

另有種方法如 embeded BASIC 電腦語言可以直接在uC板上開發,測試及除錯, 在非即時需求應用上應該還滿方便的, 也許uC玩家稀少, 多半是專業人員負責開發, 因此並不流行. Internet 上資訊也不多.

BASIC-Interpreter for microcontroller

* MCS51 BASIC or BASIC-52 - Intel 曾出過 8052-BASIC uC chips, 是MCS-51族系內建 BASIC-52 mask ROM BASIC-Intepreter語言晶片, 只要加上少數零件即可接上終端機直接在8052內寫程式. 8052AH-BASIC (w/Basic interpreter built in)......$29.95 / My first 8052 BASIC Project

* AttBASIC for AT-uC-chips

* TinyBASIC - Tinybasic for 8031 6800 8080 Z80 M68000 . "Palo Alto Tiny Basic" by Li Chen Wang

* Enhanced BASIC is a BASIC interpreter for the 6502 and compatible microprocessors.

* PIC BASIC - Interpreter PIC BASIC, PIC uC 專用

* PBASIC - Parallax BASIC interpreter for BASIC Stamp Module Taiwan-shop

Embeded JAVA

Javelin Stamp / JStamp

BASIC-interpreter for DOS / MS Windows / POSIX Unix/Linux

* uBASIC is a freeware BASIC interpreter written by Yuji Kida at Rikkyo University in Japan

* miniBASIC

* Embedded Basic Interpreter

* Bwbasic - BASIC Interpreter

* BBC BASIC interpreter

* Brandy Basic V Interpreter

* Bywater BASIC Interpreter Linux/Unix, DOS

* Small Basic Interpreter MS Windows

* nbasic

* wsbasic

* SmallBASIC


* Cstamps chip

* Forth

* ZBasic - A Powerful Language for Microcontroller Programming compiler

* uC 80xx resource
