
Secure Reverse Proxy

Proxy (Forward Proxy) / Reverse Proxy
Fastream IQ Proxy link Smarter Security & Scalability as Forward/Reverse Proxy

Orenosp Secure Reverse Proxy link (Windows Server ready , Linux/Mac coming soon)

利用[IIS Reverse Proxy]製作跨IIS的WebApplication link

使用 Reverse Proxy代理服務 link

* Squid 官方網站 link
* Squid 文件 link
* Apache Proxy 文件 link

Apache setting reverse proxy
editing httpd.conf sample:
# --------------- CODE ----------------
# ProxyRequests off to avoid be an open proxy
Proxyrequests off
# 2008/08/07 each setting
ProxyPass /apex http://localhost:8080/apex
ProxyPassReverse /apex http://localhost:8080/apex
ProxyPass /i http://localhost:8080/i
ProxyPassReverse /i http://localhost:8080/i
ProxyPass /wiki http://ap02:8199/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome
ProxyPassReverse /wiki http://ap02:8199/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome
# --------------- CODE ----------------
